Wednesday, January 16

Spring Will Come

I dearly love having all the seasons (though summer could be shortened to a couple weeks and I'd be fine with that!), and even winter is enjoyable for me. Despite my love of winter though, I was excited to see our crocus bulbs that we planted last fall pushing their way to the surface today. There is just something special about the promise of Spring. Maybe it's because it reminds me of the new life I've been given through Christ, the new creature He's made me and the promises that go with that. Whatever the reason, seeing those small green sprouts sticking up through the mulch gave me such a thrill and peace knowing that God is faithful and the Spring will come again, just like it always does.

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease." Genesis 8:22


Darcy said...

Oh your yard is going to be so colorful when those come up and bloom.

Kim said...

Well, at least this one small corner. We spent all our yard money on the grass and didn't have any left for pretty things, so I got these bulbs free and there weren't too many!

Unknown said...

You can have our New England winters, Kim. It's 23 right now, and will get colder by week's end. I'm very ready for Spring!


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