Tuesday, February 21

Weight Loss

Well, here I am again at a weight I swore I would never get back to. Sigh. There's nothing else to do but to get back on the weight loss path again. My hubby and I started back on Weight Watchers last Monday. Last time I joined the online version, but money is pretty tight and I know how the program works, so we're just going it alone. Our first week went really well. I lost six pounds and hubby lost eight. Hopefully we can persevere long enough to get down to more healthy weights. I had made it a goal two years ago to get down to a "normal" weight for me (according to standardized weight charts) by the time I turned 40. That's not going to happen, but I can still get down to what I weighed when I got married, which is a big improvement on where I am now!


Darcy said...

Great weight loss Kim! (and Ed too).

Steven's been doing great ever since he got home from London. I'm still struggling.

Beth said...

I'm with ya sister!!! I am starting WW as soon as No Limits (our annual church conference) is over. Planned start date is March 6...our family is involved in the conference to our eyeballs and there is NO WAY I could focus on anything else during that week!!!!

GOOD LUCK!!! I can't wait to get back on WW and lose the weight I've regained!!!


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