Tuesday, August 1

This Month's Featured Website/Blog

I did a search on strabismus surgery one day last year trying to find some information on Ryan's upcoming surgery. One of the things I found was a website called Celebrating Julia. Julia had strabismus surgery last year, and I found out she has some sensory issues like Abigail does.

Julia is about the same age as Abby and was born with Cri du Chat Syndrome, but she has made tremendous progress. She was the Easter Seals Ambassador last year, and her and her family are special people! I have had the privilege of striking up an email friendship with Beth (Julia's Mommy), and I have been so encouraged by reading of her victories and struggles raising a special needs child. If you want to be inspired and see God at work, click on over to Julia's site.

Beth also has a blog for Julia as well as one for Olivia, another precious daughter, and a family blog called Our Family...All Nine of Us!.

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