Monday, March 24

He is Risen!

I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday! We were blessed to have my mom visiting from California this Easter, which made it special for us. We traditionally make Resurrection Cookies Saturday evening, but though the story is neat and opening the oven door Easter morning to find hollow cookies is fun, we don't really like to eat them and end up throwing them away.

This year I decided to try a new recipe for Resurrection Buns, and we loved them! I made them Easter morning and served them with scrambled eggs and bacon, and they were a hit! It was fun to open each one up to see if it was hollow (they all were!), and it was even more fun to eat them...yummy!

Most importantly, it's incredible to know and celebrate that Jesus' tomb was truly empty some 2,000 years ago!


Darcy said...

Very cool for your mom visiting. I didn't know she was flying up until I saw the picture of her with the kids.

I can't believe Abby's eye still is red!

Kim said...

I know...her eye IS better, but not completely healed yet. It was a huge stye.


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